is an exclusively online news and information site that provides breaking news to you, our reader, as fast as you want it, wherever you are.  Desktop? Mobile? Tablet? Definitely. We are optimized to give you the best reader experience in any format you choose. is part of Embarcadero Media, which operates respected online sites and newspapers in the Tri-Valley, including the Pleasanton Weekly, and The sites are driven by news and information that appeals to a highly engaged, loyal audience.

We break locally news written by local journalists and cover all the important issues in the community. It’s our top priority. We update throughout the day, so when you come back to visit, chances are you’ll find something new. We are the place to go to learn about any important breaking news in Livermore. 

In addition to hard news, we also provide information that is important to the city that you won’t find anywhere else. We like to write stories about new local businesses, highlight special events and bring you general information about anything that impacts the heart of the community.  

We are part of the Embarcadero Media Foundation family of news and information sites. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To learn about our editorial policies, supporters and donor transparency rules, and to see who serves on our Board of Directors, visit